Embrace the Cold

Unlock Your Potential, Break Through Mental Barriers, Feel Invigorated!

A cold water tub will change your outlook on life and allow you to break through your own boundaries and make you feel you can take on the world.

A cold tub is a recovery technique used by athletes and individuals looking to reduce muscle soreness and inflammation after physical activity. Some potential benefits of taking an ice tub include:

Reducing muscle soreness
Cold water immersion can help reduce muscle soreness by constricting blood vessels and reducing inflammation.

Improving recovery time
By reducing muscle soreness, a cold tub may also help athletes recover faster and be ready for their next workout or competition.

Decreasing inflammation
Cold water immersion may help reduce inflammation in the body, which can be beneficial for individuals with chronic inflammation or inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.

Improving circulation
Cold water immersion can stimulate blood flow and improve circulation, which may help with recovery and reduce the risk of injury. It’s important to note that cold tubs are not suitable for everyone and can be uncomfortable or even dangerous for some individuals. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new recovery routine.

Product Details
Seating Capacity: Designed for one person
Power Supply: 15Amp 110V
Materials: Stainless Steel 304, Aluminum, Teak
Dry Weight: 275 lbs
Water Capacity: 106 Gallons
Temperature: Settings as low as 37° degrees F
Draining: Hose Pike Connection
Antifreeze Function: Prevents the formation of ice or frost
Ozone + Filtration: Built in ozone and filter system for clear water
Cover Included: Insulated for reduced running costs
Dimensions: 29″ x 30″ x 71″ x 47″

Features of the Chill Springs Cold Plunge

Stainless Steel

Teak Top

Black Aluminum Surround

Ozone and Filtration Systems

Benefits of a Cold Plunge

Improved circulation

Coldwater plunging causes vasoconstriction, which is the narrowing of blood vessels. When you expose your body to cold water, your blood vessels constrict, and when you come out of the cold water, they dilate, leading to improved circulation throughout the body. 

Enhanced immune system

Coldwater plunging has been shown to have a positive effect on the immune system. Cold exposure stimulates the production of white blood cells, which are essential for fighting off infections. Regular plunges can strengthen your immune system and make you less susceptible to illnesses.

Increased energy and alertness

Immersing yourself in cold water can activate your sympathetic nervous system, also known as the “fight or flight” response. This response releases adrenaline and increases oxygen intake, which can boost your energy levels and make you more alert and focused.

Faster muscle recovery

Coldwater plunging is commonly used by athletes to aid in muscle recovery. The cold water helps reduce inflammation and muscle soreness by constricting blood vessels and decreasing swelling. This allows for faster recovery after intense physical activity.

Mental/emotional well-being

Coldwater plunging can have a positive impact on mental health. The shock of cold water triggers the release of endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety levels, improve sleep quality, and promote a sense of well-being.

Skin and hair health

Cold water helps tighten the pores, making the skin look smoother and reducing the appearance of acne and blemishes. It can also promote healthier hair by closing the hair cuticles and making the hair shinier and less prone to breakage.

Increased tolerance to cold

Regular cold water plunging can help improve your body’s ability to tolerate cold temperatures. Over time, you may find that you are more resistant to cold weather and have a higher tolerance for cold water, making you less likely to feel discomfort in chilly environments.

Enhanced mental resilience

Coldwater plunging can train your mind to embrace discomfort and build mental resilience. Facing the shock of cold water can help you develop a stronger mindset, improve your ability to handle stressful situations, and increase your overall mental toughness.

Increased Killer T Cells

Cold water immersion, particularly in the winter, can challenge the immune system and the way hormones communicate with the body. Studies have shown that regular winter swimmers experience adaptive reactions, including an increase in the production of the antioxidant glutathione. Just a few cold water sessions over a 6 week period can increase the number of lymphocytes, a type of immune cell. Some research has even found that males exposed to 39°F for 30 minutes had an increased number of “killer T cells,” which are cells that help to eliminate viruses. These findings suggest that cold water immersion may have immune-boosting effects on the body.

Immune Boost

There is widespread anecdotal evidence that suggests that cold water immersion can boost the immune system. Many people report feeling healthier and less prone to illness after regularly using a cold tub. While the immune system is complex and difficult to study, it is believed that the cold can help to adapt and harden the body to disease and infection. Despite the lack of robust scientific studies on this topic, many people believe in the immune-boosting benefits of cold water immersion.

Protein Power

Cold exposure can stimulate the production of a protein called PGC-1 alpha, which can increase metabolism at a cellular level. PGC-1 alpha is being targeted by pharmaceutical companies in the development of treatments for obesity, diabetes, and cardiomyopathy. In muscle tissue, the increased energy released from the production of PGC-1alpha can improve aerobic capacity and endurance, as well as increase resistance to fatigue.

Looking to learn more about cold tubs, cold tub therapy, cold tub immersion, or cold tub benefits? Then you’ve come to the right place. Once your read through all the health benefits that our products provide, we think you’ll want to take the next step to either request a price quote, come into our showroom or call to speak to one of our sales associates. And, don’t forget to check out our all our cold tubs for sale in the greater Fort Lauderdale area.